N’orleans muse
Project Description
Bringing Awareness to Eco-Sensitive Destinations.
N’ Orleans Muse is a 4-pack of Hot Sauce that celebrates the vibrant history and culture of New Orleans while inspiring new behaviors to preserve it. Flavors range from what we love about the city to what we need to change to keep it flourishing.
Brand Identity
Package design
Social Responsibility
Design + illustration alterations
Description text goes here
Product packaging specifications.
New Orleans is one of many places in the world heavily affected by Climate Change. As a result of this, Coastal Louisiana has one of the highest rates of relative sea level rise in the world, which has lead to the loss of barrier islands and wetlands increases the severity of hurricanes. New Orleans also suffer from the urban heat-island effect, leading to communities experiencing peak in rising temperatures and decrease in vegetation which would normally absorb the heat.
For this project I was able to identify who’s affected- low-income families, children elderly, and homeless. ACS estimated that 27.7% of New Orleanians were living in poverty, the national average is 11.3%.
The stakeholders in the health/wealth of New Orleans is Welfare Services and he middle to upperclass communities. The People that need to know are tourist. New Orleans makes over $10 Billion in tourism economy.
Whta’s special about New Orleans is it’s rich with history. Home to the greatest free show on earth-Mardi Gras, Music is it’s known birth-right-even before the Jazz Age. New Orleans is also decorated with touches of time from colonial times, and healing damages from Hurricane Katrina.
With N’Orleans Muse Hot Sauce, this will be a product targeted toward tourists and residents, and entice social and environmental change. Also remind people why we love this place and want it around longer than how it’s looking now, which may not be too long. Flavors range from what we love about the city to what we need to change to keep it flourishing.
Product Concept
Product Design
Advertising Campaign
Visual Identity
Mood board
Illustration mockup
Key Ideas
Packaging mockup.